

王玲玲 (讲师)

发布者: 发布时间:2023-06-26 浏览次数:









王玲玲,女,博士。2023年6月毕业于中国科学院大学,主要从事中药资源学研究。博士期间对唐古特大黄生长性状和有效成分区域差异的生态学机制进行解析,促进了大黄品种选育工作的推展。作为主要完成人参与了“青海省当归、黄芪优质高效栽培集成示范及推广”(2017.01-2019.12),参与完成“唐古特大黄人工种植GAP基地建设及产业化”(2014-NS-115)。近年来以第一作者在BMC Plant BiologyBMC Complementary Medicine and TherapiesBiological Trace Element ResearchChemistry & BiodiversityMoleculesSpectroscopy And Spectral Analysis、天然产物研究与开发和分子植物育种等国内外期刊上发表论文10余篇,硕博期间,获得过国家奖学金,多次获得中国科学院大学三好学生、三好学生标兵称号。现就职于贵州中医药大学。



1. 木霉菌对太子参的促生物质及调控机理研究,博士启动基金,2023-2026,8万,主持





1. Wang, L., Zhao, S., Li, J., & Zhou, G. (2024). Metabolomics analysis reveals the metabolite profiles of Rheum tanguticum grown under different altitudinal gradients. BMC Plant Biology, 24(1), 226.

2. Wang, L., Zhou, G., Zhao, S., & Yang, Y. (2023). Soluble Protein Content, Bioactive Compounds and the Antioxidant Activity in Seeds of Ten Rheum tanguticum Lines from Qinghai‐Tibet Plateau. Chemistry & Biodiversity, 20(3), e202200901.

3. Wang, L., Xiong, F., Zhao, S., Yang, Y., & Zhou, G. (2022). Network pharmacology combined with molecular docking to explore the potential mechanisms for the antioxidant activity of Rheum tanguticum seeds. BMC Complementary Medicine and Therapies, 22(1), 121.

4. Wang, L., Xiong, F., Yang, L., Wang, B., & Zhou, G. (2022). Major Chemical Compounds and Mineral Elements of Astragalus membranaceus Cultivated on the Qinghai‐Tibet Plateau with Different Planting Densities. Chemistry & Biodiversity, 19(1), e202100778.

5. Wang, L., Wang, B., Xiong, F., Yang, L., & Zhou, G. (2022). A Comparative Study of Inorganic Elements in Cultivativing Astragalus Membranaceus From Different Habitats. Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis, 42(5), 1407-1412.

6. Wang, L., Xiong, F., Yang, L., Xiao, Y., & Zhou, G. (2020). A Seasonal Change of Active Ingredients and Mineral Elements in Root of Astragalus membranaceus in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Biological Trace Element Research, 199(11), 1-10.

7. Wang, L., Yang, L., Xiong, F., Nie, X., Li, C., Xiao, Y., & Zhou, G. (2020). Nitrogen Fertilizer Levels Affect the Growth and Quality Parameters of Astragalus mongolica. Molecules, 25(2), 381.

8. Zhao, S., Xiong, F., Wang, L., Wang, B., Chen, K., Chen, C., & Zhou, G. (2023). Study on the quality characteristics and geographical origin authentication of wild Rheum tanguticum in three authentic regions. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis,123:105463

9. Xiong, F., Nie, X., Yang, L., Wang, L., Li, J., & Zhou, G. (2021). Non-target metabolomics revealed the differences between Rh. tanguticum plants growing under canopy and open habitats. BMC Plant Biology, 21(1), 119.

10. Wang, B., Chen, C., Xiao, Y., Chen, K., Wang, J., Wang, L., Li, J., Kang, Z., & Zhou, G. (2023). A core root bacteria contribute to plant growth and anisodine accumulation of Anisodus tanguticus. BMC Plant Biology, 23(1), 655.

11. 王玲玲,杨路存,熊丰,李晶晶,聂秀青,肖元明,李长斌,周国英*.青海省不同产地蒙古黄芪芒柄花苷和毛蕊异黄酮含量比较. 天然产物研究与开发. 2019, 31(2) :1-8.

12. 王玲玲,杨路存,熊丰,聂秀青,肖元明,李长斌,赵晓辉,郑智,周国英.不同栽培密度和采收期对蒙古黄芪生长发育和产量的影响[J].分子植物育种,2019,17(23):7962-7968.

13. 王玲玲,杨路存,熊丰等.青海省东部不同产地和春秋季蒙古黄芪化学成分差异性[J].分子植物育种,2021,19(10):3441-3447

14. 王玲玲,杨路存,熊丰等.蒙古黄芪种苗根茎大小与生长发育的动态相关性[J].分子植物育种,2020,18(4):1344-1348.

15. 李晶晶,王博,王玲玲等.不同“发汗”处理对麻花艽药材有效成分的影响[J].中华中医药杂志,2023,38(04):1809-1814.

